Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I Want A New Laptop D':

 I want a MacBook. I have a laptop but like it has a virus on it. I know sad. But that was before I started blogging. I'm not going to lie the reason I have virus is because I watch movies and tv online *whispers* the illegal kind of websites.
So I'm going to start saving money. But I have two problems with that.
1. I don't have a job
2. I don't know how to save money
So how am I going to save money when I don't have any income. *Shakes head* The MacBook that I want is the MacBook Pro 13 inches.
I just imagine the glossy new laptop with all the apps I want. And I won't have to use my mom laptop. This laptop cost $1,199, I plan to save money till November so I can get it on black Friday so it will be much more cheaper. Pray for me guys. *crosses fingers*

Monday, April 21, 2014


Kill anyone who messes with her friends


Hard as nail

Staying Strong

I look at this girl who was done wrong by. She took care of all of us. Like the mother of us all. And she stays strong when someone took her most prized possession. She keeps a calm on the surface but beneath a storm is brewing. Its probably the biggest storm she has ever been threw. Making sure she doesn't make roots. The secret she keeps torn her from the inside out. But she's strong. Staying strong. Always strong. I'm proud to be her friend.
For a close friend of mine

Dark Secret Written By: Wendi Lyn


He took me to his room
Laid me on the bed
Can you keep a secret?
That is what he said.
He put his hands all over
Then he pushed inside
Took away my dignity
He took away my pride.

Eight years I lived in fear
Wondering what to do
I'd like to ask my mother
What if that were you
Being explored in places
I didn't know were there
Feeling so alone
Being so scared
The whole time I wondered
If anyone even cared.

So if someone asks if you can keep a secret,
make sure you know what that secret is
before you make any promises.
A secret that can hurt or even kill you or someone else
is not a secret worth keeping.

 For  my friend

Saturday, April 19, 2014

My favorite Quote's From Demi Lovato & Her Book

"You're only as strong as your weakest member; you're only as positive as your most negative friend." - Kelly Armstrong
Picture from "Staying Strong, 365 Days a Year." Staying Strong, 365 Days a Year. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2014.
Quote from Lovato, Demi. "April 19." Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print

Me By: Grace Tyler

I stand by myself
in a sea of people
No one sees me
Well the real me
at that
I think differently than
all my friends
I do things no one else
I don't care what people say
or think
I just want to escape the everyday bullshit
I have obsession
that no one does
I stand by myself in a sea of people
Wrote on 3/14/14

Fledgling By: Grace Tyler

I'm caged inside walls
unable to brake away.
I want outside in the trees, the fresh air, with the animals
I want to make my own way and break the shell that I'm living
I want to let go of all the people who bring me down who tells me that I can't be anyone
Who leaches off of me
I want to feel the wind in my hair standing by myself or with the one who support me
I rather be by myself then go against what I believe in
I'm untamable and can't be controlled
I'm divergent
I'm caged inside walls and I'm breaking free

Named By: Kiara Jefferson
Wrote on 3/14/14

Bump, Set, Spike By: Grace Tyler

Bump, Set, Spike
That's my way of life

The way a team works together three hits over the net.

Bump, Set, Spike
That's my way of life

Jumps higher than the net a powerful force hits the ball over the net

Bump, Set Spike
That's my way of life

At the end of the court over hand or underhand the ball flies over the net and an ace is scored

Bump, Set, Spike
That's my way of life

On the sideline cheer the score 25 the game is won

Bump, Set, Spike
That's our way if life

Wrote on 3/13/14